Let’s Reach our Goal to fill the bus!


Donate Today! Every Dollar Counts!


By funding a bus, you’re not just giving students a ride; you’re opening a door to a world of exploration, science, and inspiration.

$20 One Student
$100 Bus Buddies - 5 students
$250 Nature Navigator - half bus
$500 Eco Adventure - full bus


At Friends of Ballona Wetlands, we believe that every child deserves a chance to experience the wonder of nature firsthand, and that the Ballona Wetlands is a place where students from all walks of life can connect with the natural world. For many schools in underserved communities, field trips are often out of reach due to tight budgets. That’s why, for years, we’ve been offering bus scholarships to bring students to our Explore Ballona!® Field Trips. These scholarships are often the only way these schools can afford to send their kids on an educational adventure to the wetlands.

We’re proud to say that we’ve been expanding this program every year, reaching more students and schools than ever before. But we’re not done yet! With your help, we will continue to grow this vital program and ensure that even more students have the chance to experience the magic of the wetlands. You can choose to cover the cost of one student, a small group of students, half a bus, or a whole bus.

Every dollar you give helps expand our reach, create lifelong memories, and foster a deeper understanding of the natural world. Let’s work together to make sure every child has the opportunity to experience the magic of the Ballona Wetlands, because these wetlands belong to us all. Will you join us in funding the future?


Snapshots of Discovery: Field Trip Highlights!

Check out our video above for testimonials, photos, and videos from our Explore Ballona!® environmental education program!


Thank you to our bus sponsors

The California Coastal Commission Whale Tail Grant Program

And generous donors like you!